Showing 13–24 of 382 results

Angioplasty Surgery Treatment

Angioplasty is a type of a procedure to open up the blockage in the arteries of the heart. Those narrow

Ankle Fracture Treatment

Generally, the main cause of ankle pain occurs due to its  fracture. It creates breakage in bone joints of the

Antenatal Care (ANC) Treatment

A procedure called antenatal care refers to the time to time supervision of the pregnant women for 9 months and

Aortic Stenosis Treatment

When an individual’s arterial blood vessel becomes blocked or narrows. The condition stops the regular flow of blood from the

Aortic Valve Repair Treatment

Generally the human heart has four valves and the aortic valve is one of the heart valves, which combines the

Aortopulmonary window Treatment

The malfunction of the heart in which a hole is formed due to a disconnection between two blood vessels. This

Appendix Treatment

Appendicitis is a common health condition that is found in individuals. This health issue mainly occurs in those who are

Arterial Switch Operation Treatment

An arterial switch repair procedure is used to treat d-transposition of the heart’s arteries. In this condition aorta and pulmonary