Showing 1–12 of 60 results

Amniocentesis Treatment

A medical diatonic test called amniocentesis is a prenatal testing procedure done by the doctor on pregnant women to detect

Antenatal Care (ANC) Treatment

A procedure called antenatal care refers to the time to time supervision of the pregnant women for 9 months and

Bartholin’s Cyst Treatment

Cyst mainly affects both men and women. It occurs due to blockage in bartholin glands. This leads to discomfort, swelling

Breast Biopsy Treatment

Breast Biopsy is a few minutes surgical procedure done to collect breast tissues with the help of a biopsy needle.

Cardiotocography (CTG) Treatment

A technical method of recording the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions during pregnancy, usually in the third trimester, is called

Cervical Biopsy Treatment

During this medical procedure, cervical tissue is removed to check any kind of abnormal conditions in the cervix. Many females

Cervical Cautery Treatment

A medical treatment used to treat abnormal cell tissues that are causing inflammation in the woman’s cervix is called cervical

Cervical Cerclage Treatment

Incompetent cervix mostly affects women. It occurs due to shortage or weakening in the cervix during pregnancy. This leads to

Cervical Conization Treatment

Doing away with irregular tissues from the cervix is commonly termed as cervical conization. The people who are most susceptible

Cervical Polyp Removal Treatment

Cervical polyp removal is a medical process used to remove tiny growths from the cervix or lower portion of the

Cesarean Section Treatment

C-section is a surgical procedure determined to safely deliver the baby. The procedure can be planned and could be performed

Colposcopy Treatment

Colposcopy is a diagnostic test that helps in analyzing abnormalities and precancerous cells that could be present in a woman’s