During this medical procedure, cervical tissue is removed to check any kind of abnormal conditions in the cervix. Many females are experiencing cervical cancer. It is performed by a gynecologist which is done by using an instrument called colposcope and its process is called colposcopy. This test helps doctors to determine which treatment is required for the pateints.
Types of Cervical Biopsy
It is done in the following ways:-
1. Cone Biopsy
A cone-shaped piece of tissue is extracted from the cervix by using a scalpel and laser.
2. Punch Biopsy
In this small pieces of tissues are taken by using an instrument called biopsy by using a circular blade.
3. Endocervical Curettage
Tissues are removed from the inner part of the cervix from its canal by using a spoon-shaped instrument.
Procedure of Cervical Biopsy
This colposcopy is performed by a gynecologist which includes the following steps:-
Before Procedure
There are the following things to be considered before starting the procedure:-
- For a simple test fasting is not required, however, if it is done by giving anesthesia then you have to stop drinking and eating before performing the procedure.
- Share your medical history with your doctor like blood disorder, allergies, use of blood thinning medicines etc.
- Use of vaginal creams, medicines and tampons is not advised.
- Do not engage in sexual activity.
- Take a painkiller half an hour before starting the process.
- Follow all instructions properly like should come with an empty bladder.
During Procedure
The requirement of anesthesia depends on your medical condition and in general cervical biopsy is done in the following steps:-
- You have to wear sterile clothes after removing your clothes.
- For the pelvic exam, you have to lie down on an exam table by keeping your legs open.
- Now a speculum is inserted into the vagina to open its wall to reach the cervix.
- By using a colposcope to see any abnormal changes in the cervix.
- To see abnormal tissues, the doctor will use acetic acid solution because the abnormal tissues will turn white. This is known as the Schiller test and you may feel a burning sensation.
- The type of the test will be determined by a healthcare provider which depends on the shape and size of the abnormal tissues.
- Then the doctor will numb that area by using anesthetic medicine.
- Now with the help of forceps some amount is removed and this may cause cramping. Endocervical brush is used to remove cells from the inside canal of the cervix.
- Different instruments are used for biopsy, like cold knife cone is used to remove tissue by giving local anesthesia.
- Biopsy may cause bleeding which can be stop by using topical medicine in the form of paste or it can be stopped by stitching.
- After doing a cone biopsy, doctor will close the cervix using a pressure dressing.
- The sample of removed tissue is sent to the lab for testing.
After Procedure
The patient is taken to the recovery room for observation. After checking the vitals, such as pulse, breathing and blood pressure, you may get discharged from the hospital. Doctor will advise you to use sanitary pad because of bleeding and take medicine to get relief from pain.
Reason for Cervical Biopsy
This pelvic test is required to check abnormal cells and to screen the initial stage of cervical cancer due the following reasons:-
- Cervical abnormalities during a pelvic examination.
- Polyps get formed on the cervix.
- Due to the exposure of diethylstilbestrol, it increases the risk of cancer.
- Get infected with HPV.
Complications of Cervical biopsy
This process may pose risk with complications in individuals. Such as bleeding, infection, pelvic inflammation, cramping and discharge after the procedure.
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