When an individual’s arterial blood vessel becomes blocked or narrows. The condition stops the regular flow of blood from the heart. It makes the heart beat more forcefully, which may result in heart damage and severe health problems. Additionally it reduces the circulation of blood from the heart throughout the body. The condition is called aortic valve stenosis. This condition can cause various health symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc. Therefore, various treatments are recommended by the doctors as per the condition of the patients.
Medication to control symptoms, balloon valvuloplasty treatment to expand the valve, and surgical procedures, such as artery valve replacement, which replaces the damaged valve with a new one, are available as forms of treatment. The patient’s general health and the degree of stricture determine the course of treatment. In this medical care, aortic valve structure depends on the severity of the condition. Without medical attention, severe aortic valve stenosis can lead to death. So, that individual may need surgery to repair or replace the valve.
- Buildup of calcium over the valve: Most of the time the valve may get calcium deposits, which would restrict blood flow. The most common age for this kind of stenosis is after 65.
- Hypertension: Continuous changes in blood pressure, which may raise the possibilities of developing heart valve problems.
- Lipid disorder: Having too much unsafe cholesterol in the bloodstream can raise the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, like heart stroke, failure, etc.
- Rheumatic fever: If it is not treated well, then this fever can lead to heart damage, resulting in rheumatic heart problems. This could cause the heart’s valves to weaken and result in other medical issues.
- Congenital heart defect: Some people have stricture because their heart valves are born with only two flaps rather than three. In this case, if the valve begins to narrow or leak, it may need to be repaired or replaced.
- Other chronic conditions: Different diseases that can cause aortic valve stenosis are kidney failure, Paget’s disease of bone, and many more.
Signs & Symptoms
What are the various symptoms of Aortic Stenosis?
Patients who are suffering from this problem may not have symptoms for many years. Many symptoms can vary in severity and how they develop step by step.
- When blood flow is reduced, patients may experience severe bodily weakness.
- Low supply of blood to the brain can show side effects like fainting or lightheadedness.
- A heart murmur can be noticed by the doctor during examination, which is an informative sign of disease.
- Improper heartbeats or palpitations can be experienced by the individuals.
- Problems in breathing can be faced during exertion, and it is the most common symptom.
- Discomfort or chest pain may be suffered by the patients during physical activity.
How can it be diagnosed?
Healthcare experts may recommend some tests. That are listed below:
- Physical examination
- Echocardiogram
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Chest x-ray or Angiography
- Stress or exercise testing
- Heart CT scan
- Cardiac MRI scan
- Cardiac catheterization
After testing, if it confirms aortic valve disease, then the healthcare provider may tell the stage of the disease. Staging helps in finding out the better and perfect treatment.
Stages of Heart Valve Disease
It is divided into four basic phases. That are listed below:
Stage A: Risk cause for heart valve.
Stage B: The disease is mild or moderate.
Stage C: In this category, there are no symptoms, but the disease is severe.
Stage D: Aortic stenosis is severe and indicates its side effects.
If patients have stenosis but no symptoms, then the doctor may advise monitoring the issue with follow-up visits and tests. If there are developing symptoms, then healthcare professionals can recommend some medical handling options, which are mentioned below:
1. Medication:
- Drugs are used to treat symptoms and keep disease from getting worse. These medicinal drugs help in reducing blood clot accumulation and also protecting from heart attack.
2. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement:
- This transplant process is used to treat a type of heart valve disease. During the process, a narrowed largest artery valve fails to open properly. It is replaced with an aortic valve made from animal tissue.
3. Balloon valvuloplasty:
- This treatment is mainly for children and infants. A surgeon opens a blockage of the valve with the help of a balloon tip or catheter.
4. Repairing of aortic valve:
- This surgical procedure is planned to save the main valve and restore its function in patients. The main goal is to repair the damaged part rather than replacing it totally.
Home Remedies to Treat Aortic Stenosis
- Quit smoking
- Always eat healthy diet
- Maintain body weight
- Exercise regularly
- Manage stress
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