Generally, the main cause of ankle pain occurs due to its fracture. It creates breakage in bone joints of the individuals. And this often leads to fracture and becomes a reason of discomfort and pain.
Hence, it require proper treatment on time to heal this condition. According to doctors treatment options vary. And these depends on the severity of the fracture and the bone involved. There are countless treatments for ankle breakage, these include rest, ice, surgery, medications and therapy.
Ankle joint is made up of bones that include:
a) Tibia:
- Also known as the shinbone, it serves as the larger and stronger bone in the lower part of the leg.
b) Fibula:
- Also known as calf bone. It lies to the side of the tibia and is smaller and thinner.
c) Talus:
- It is the ankle bone that is small. It lies at the top of the foot.
Ankle fractures are innumerable. Some of these are listed below.
1. Lateral malleolus fractures:
- This is the most common type. Breakage of the bony knob on the exterior part of your ankle leads to this fracture.
2. Medial malleolus fractures:
- Breaking of the bony knob on the inside part of your ankle results in this fracture.
3. Bimalleolar ankle fracture:
- When both bony knobs on your ankles are broken, then this fracture occurs. It is the second most common type.
When one or more of the bones in the ankles break, it leads to a broken ankle. An excessive force or stress on the bone are the main causes.
Here are the common causes:
1. Sport Injuries:
- Abrupt movements in your ankle that can twist it, may lead to an ankle fracture. If your ankle is hit it, can be due to:
- Soccer,
- Basketball, and
- Jogging
2. Falls:
- Falls are a common cause of ankle injuries, especially in older persons.
3. Accidents:
- Collisions can exert significant stress on the ankle, resulting in fractures. These include:
- Car accidents,
- bike wrecks, and
- other sorts.
Some of the signs that may indicate you have a broken ankle include:
a) Pain:
- Abrupt and aggravated pain at the region of fracture. With increase in pressure or motion this painful sensation increases.
b) Swelling:
- Following the injury, there may be enlargement in the ankle. This swelling may make the ankle look larger than normal. Also there may be problems with movement.
c) Problem in Walking:
- Putting weight on the injured ankle will not be easy. It will hurt when you walk or also stand.
Your provider may conduct the following tests to assess your fracture:
- Physical exam.
- A computed tomography scan.
- Magnetic resonance imaging.
- X-ray.
- Bone scan.
The preventive steps include taking suitable steps to decrease perils of injury. Some steps are listed as below:
1. Wear Decent Footwear:
- Select shoes that fit properly and offer adequate support. Avoid high heels and ill-fitting shoes. These can make your ankle twist.
2. Beef up Ankle Muscles:
- Exercises that target the muscles surrounding your ankle. It can assist, support and protect it. Simple exercises like ankle circles, toe lifts, and resistance band workouts can help.
3. Watch Uneven Surfaces:
- Pay attention to your walking surface. Especially uneven or slippery surfaces increase the risk for ankle injury. Use handrails where available, and exercise caution on icy or damp floors.
4. Use Protective gear:
- While playing action games, ankle braces come in handy. They protect you from ankle injury that can include sprain and fracture.
Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is a medical procedure that joins broken ankles and subsequently heals them up.
1) Before Surgery
Your surgeon and his team will make the required area numb by giving you proper anesthesia. To make your ready for anesthesia:
- Unless otherwise directed, avoid eating or drinking for eight hours before going to hospital.
- If you smoke, give it up before 2 weeks of surgery.
- At least 10 days before the surgery, stop the intake of all herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs as recommended by your doctor.
- For at least 24 hours before the surgery, stop taking any erectile dysfunction drugs, including Viagra.
- Ask your doctor about taking blood pressure medicines with a glass of water.
2) During ORIF Surgery
- Your surgeon makes incisions to expose your ankle joint. It enable easy access to your damaged ankle bones.
- The surgeon and his team align your ankle’s broken components. This process is known as reduction.
- To join the broken components of your ankle, your surgeon will use instruments like metal plates, screws, or wires. This process is known as internal fixation.
- They close the incision.
- Your surgeon will place your ankle in a cast or brace.
It takes time to heal ankle fractures. Recovery varies for each person and depends on many factors. Small fractures normally heal within 6 weeks and critical fractures can take up to 12 months or more. At times, it may take up to 2 years to fully recover.
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