A medical treatment used to treat abnormal cell tissues that are causing inflammation in the woman’s cervix is called cervical cautery. It is also known as cervical diathermy or cervical ablation. In this medical procedure medical experts use cold, heat or chemicals to remove the abnormal cells to manage precancerous risks. This procedure assists gynecologists to apply the best treatment and heals the cervix, and also prevents the risks of complications. The purpose of this treatment is to discard unhealthy tissues and make room for generating healthy cells.
Although it is a non-invasive treatment procedure which is performed under the local anesthesia in the hospital or a clinic under the consultations of experienced a doctor who is specialized in dealing gynecic health concerns. Additionally, it is an effective treatment method like cervical conization treatment in order to eliminate precancerous cells that are causing problems in the woman’s cervix.
Cervical Cautery Indications
Following are indications that shows you need to go for cervical cautery procedure in order to treat the cervix a lower part of the uterus:
Chronic Inflammation
When the cervix part consistently gets inflamed because of infection and causing problems like irritation, discomfort etc. Then a doctor examines your uterus and suggests going for cervical cautery treatment.
Cervical Erosion
When your inner lining of the cervix gets exposed and irritated this condition is called cervical erosion. As a result you experience various symptoms including bleeding, pain etc. hence a healthcare provider recommends you to opt for this treatment.
Abnormal bleeding
If a woman is suffering from abnormal bleeding during menstrual cycle and sexual intercourse. Then she needs to go for cervical cautery procedure to address or resolve this concern.
Postpartum Recovery
In rare cases women may experience cervix- related concerns after the vaginal delivery. In this situation you need to go for cervical cautery treatment in order to get better or heal sooner.
Prevention of other issues
Cervical cautery treatment can assist you to help in preventing more serious illness such as cervical cancer etc.
Failure of Conservative treatments
When other treatments such as medications, ointments aren’t effective enough to resolve the symptoms this indicate to go for the cervical cautery treatment
Procedure of Cervical Cautery
The Cervical cautery treatment procedure is performed through following steps:
1. Consultation
Firstly a woman needs to consult with an experienced gynecologist and tell him/ her the symptoms that she is experiencing during the menstrual cycle and sexual intercourse. Then the healthcare provider will examine the condition and then determine the suitable treatment options, whether it is medications, surgical or nonsurgical procedures.
Once the medical expert decides the treatment option for the patient. He/she will explain the individual the benefits of the treatment and the potential risks in detail. And then proceed for the procedure after getting confirmation from the patient.
2. Anesthesia
According to the complication of the case a doctor will give anesthesia to the patient. An anesthesia will numb the cervix part and ensure the female must remain calm and relaxed throughout the procedure.
3. Cervical Cautery
During the procedure a health care provider uses a specialized device or instrument that is called probe or loop electrode. Through this device a doctor applies heat or cold electrical energy to destroy the abnormal cervical tissues. The energy removes the targeted cells and assists doctors to treat the patient.
Additionally, the whole procedure can be used through various medical techniques such as thermal cautery, cold coagulation and laser ablation.
4. Recovery and follow-up
Once the procedure is done the female may experience mild cramping, discomfort and vaginal discharge, which is quite normal and will go away within a few days. However, it is necessary to fallow the post procedure instruction given by the doctor. These include avoiding sexual activity or using tampons right after the procedure.
Cervical Cautery Cost in India & Its Advantages
The cost of cervical cautery procedure depends on various factors. These include the patient’s condition, type of procedure and the surgeon’s experience. However, the average cost of the procedure is estimated from 6000 to 2300 rs.
Additionally it also counts on the type of hospital and city in India. Although, the procedure is minimally invasive which involves heated probe to reduce the unhealthy tissues’ growth. Meanwhile, there are several benefits of this medical technique which are as follows:
- Non-invasive
- Promote Healing
- Various Symptoms Relief
- Minimum Complications
- Miner risks of infections
- Give room to generate healthy cells
- Reduce discomfort
- Get relief to chronic pelvic pain
- Promote Comfortable sexual relation
- Reduce Bleeding
Risks & Side Effects Associated with Cervical Cautery
Although the procedure is non-invasive and safe option to treat cervix problems however, in rare cases it may pose potential risks and side effects which are as follows:
a) Scars: Scars may occur on the cervix after the procedure and may pose risks during childbirth and also obstruct cervix opening.
b) Over bleeding: Bleeding is normal while the procedure is done; however, the procedure can pose a risk of over bleeding which needs immediate attention of medical experts in order to stabilize or reduce the discomfort of the patient.
c) Infection: Infection could be possible after the procedure as a result individuals may experience fever, pelvic pain and a lot of discomfort and irritation.
Recovery from Cervical Cautery
Following are the recovery tips that a female must follow after the procedure these include:
- Take proper rest and do not indulge or participate in heavy activities like weight lifting, driving, climbing stairs, swimming etc.
- Must take all prescribe medicines on time along with a good diet and avoid having those supplements that can trigger pelvic pain or cervix condition.
- Rigorously following all the instructions that are given by the consulted doctor. You can also take follow-up after the procedure.
- Avoid consuming alcohol this could lead you to further health problems.
- During the recovery period if you experience pain take pain management medications.
- Recovery usually takes 2 to 3 weeks so must follow the above mentioned tips.
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