Showing all 9 results

Bilateral Hand Transplant Treatment

It is a surgical procedure of replacing both left and right hands with the donor’s hand. This transplantation is mostly

Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment

Bone marrow transplant (BMT) also termed as stem cell transplant is used to treat certain cancer and blood disorders. In

Face Transplant Surgery Treatment

A face transplant is a complex transplant surgical procedure. In this process, doctors used specialized techniques in order to restructure

Heart Transplant Treatment

Many individuals are suffering from heart diseases or heart failure. Hence they are suggested heart transplant surgery. This condition is

Intestine Transplant Treatment

It is a surgical process in which sections of the small intestine are removed due to intestinal failure. Then that

Kidney Transplant Treatment

Many individuals are suggested for kidney transplant surgery, when they suffer from kidney failure. This problem is dangerous and can

Pancreas Transplant Treatment

In this process, new pancreas is transferred from a healthy donor to the patient. It is useful for treating type-1