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Endopyelotomy Treatment

Urethral pelvic junction obstruction is a common urological disorder. It affects many individuals in the world. It develops due to

Hydronephrosis Treatment

Hydronephrosis is a swelling condition that develops in one or both kidneys. It blocks the urine flow and leads to

Kidney Cyst Treatment

A kidney cyst is a fluid-filled pouch. It evolves inside the kidney. These excretory organs are in the shape of

Kidney Dialysis Treatment

Both men and women are suggested for kidney dialysis treatment when they are affected by kidney failure. This problem occurs

Kidney Stones Treatment

These are crystal forms of substances which are formed by minerals and salts. It looks like pebbles which are found

Kidney Tumor Treatment

An uncontrolled growth of harmful cells in the kidney leads to kidney cancer. Slowly as time progresses, a hard mass

Pyeloplasty Surgery Treatment

Both men and women are suggested for pyeloplasty surgery when they suffer from ureteropelvic junction obstruction. It is a rare

RIRS Surgery Treatment

It is retrograde intrarenal surgery which is done to remove kidney stones. An urologist accesses the kidney by inserting a