Pregnancy mainly takes place in women. It occurs due to development of the fetus in the uterus and leads to several complications such as nausea and vomiting, high blood pressure etc. This can be a rare or severe condition for females.
The contraceptive implant is its best treatment method. This small and flexible device is effective for 3 years. A doctor or nurse recommends this rod to females for pregnancy prevention. It looks like a matchstick and can be placed on the upper arm. This device is not suitable for sexually transmitted infection. Its other name is birth control implant.
An implant is a long-term birth control method, which releases progestogen from the body. This prevents ovulation and thickens a mucus around the cervix. It is a most effective device, which must be inserted and removed by the healthcare provider. Its brand name is Nexplanon.
This device is only suitable for women with breastfeeding, postpartum etc. It is safe and can be a better option for them. The unintended pregnancies are being reduced, which is beneficial or helpful for women.
Who should not use this device?
A healthcare provider does not recommend this plastic rod to women who have the following issues:
- Breast cancer or severe liver disease
- Unexplained bleeding from the vagina.
- Taking other medicines for HIV, tuberculosis etc.
- If a patient is already pregnant
- Clotting of blood
Women must seek medical help while suffering from these health issues. A condom can be used for sexually transmitted infection prevention.
The advantages of this flexible device are as follows:
- No sex-interruption
- It is inexpensive and can be used safely at the time of breastfeeding.
- This plastic rod shortens the heavy menstrual bleeding in women.
- There is no requirement of daily attention since it is safe and convenient.
- The pregnancy occurs immediately after the removal of an implant.
Risks and Complications
This method also leads to several risks as other treatment approaches. These include the following:
- Liver and gallbladder problems
- Change in mood
- Swelling, bruising or redness in skin
- Period or menstrual changes
- Pain in back or stomach area
- Vaginal dryness
- Weight gain
- Mild insulin resistance
- Breast tenderness
Before Procedure
Your health can be monitored by the care team and they thought that everything will be fine, a best date will be decided for implant placement. It depends upon the period cycle and which type of birth control method is used for the surgery.
An implant can be attached to your skin after the pregnancy test. Once it gets placed, the condoms or another nonhormonal backup method can be a good choice for women.
You can consult with a doctor or pharmacist when taking medicines for the treatment of HIV, tuberculosis or epilepsy symptoms before the surgical procedure.
During Procedure
You will lie down on the table with a bent elbow and the surgeon uses local anesthesia to numb the area in the upper arm and insert an implant on your skin through a special needle-like device. This will take a few minutes and doesn’t require any stitches.
A doctor or nurse can make a small cut to remove the implant any time. After that, there is no pregnancy protection for women. If they don’t want to become pregnant, then they use a birth control method in an alternate way. It can be condoms, diaphragm, vaginal ring etc.
After Procedure
The area where the implant gets placed can be checked whether it is correct or not. A healthcare provider may use ultrasound or X-ray for its identification.
A placement site will be covered through a small bandage. If women experience bruising issues, then a provider will apply pressure bandage on their skin. This can be removed in 24 hours and a small bandage can be kept for 3 to 5 days.
Bruising, scarring or pain are some common health conditions that occur at the placement site.
Women must consult with their healthcare team while experiencing the following issues:
- Constant pain or swelling in the scalp
- Change in skin color
- Heavy or long-lasting vaginal bleeding
- Yellow eyes or skin
- Breast lumps
- Pregnancy signs and symptoms
How to Prevent Implant Complications?
Certain instructions are provided for women. These are as follows:
- They must avoid smoking cigarettes since it will increase the chances of blood clotting.
- Lifting heavy-objects or strenuous activities are strictly prohibited if an implant is attached with your skin.
- Aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol must be taken for pain-relievers after insertion. Certain medication drugs must be avoided which make an implant less-effective for women.
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