Colposcopy is a diagnostic test that helps in analyzing abnormalities and precancerous cells that could be present in a woman’s reproductive system. Including cervix, vagina, uterus and vulva. The medical procedure assists healthcare providers in providing cervical cancer treatment and detecting other health concerns. The procedure is performed in a clinic or the hospital and involves a team of medical experts to evaluate the concerns using an instrument called a colposcope. It Is a specialized magnifying lens and a light which allows a doctor to assess and identify lesions and unhealthy cells that are affecting the reproductive system.
The whole procedure might take 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Its aim is to closely examine and evaluate cell abnormalities and collect the sample tissues for lab testing. Colposcopy is a safe, non-invasive medical test that helps in identifying chances of having cancer like disease. During the procedure a female may experience mild discomfort however, it is a painless procedure.Through colonoscopy a healthcare provider closely examines the cervix and gets a complete view of the cervix tissue’s abnormalities.This helps doctors to determine the suitable treatment for the patients.
Indications For Colposcopy
1. Abnormal Pap Smear: When a doctor sees abnormal cells in regular pap tests this indicates to investigate cervix cells.
2. Irregular bleeding: If a woman is experiencing unusual bleeding during menstrual cycle and sexual intercourse then she needs to go for a colonoscopy procedure.
3. Visible Abnormalities: If a healthcare provider suspects lesions or visible changes on cervix during pelvic examination. Then a doctor suggests or recommends Colposcopy.
4. High-risk HPV: Females suffering from high-risk human papillomavirus must need to go for colposcopy for further examination and evaluation.
5. Previous Cervical Injury:– Post cervical injury may also pose the risk of damaging cells or abnormal tissue. Hence it needs a colonoscopy procedure to examine the cervix.
Colposcopy cost in India & Advantages
If we talk about colonoscopy cost. Its average cost is 25000 however, it may vary in metropolitan cities like Hyderabad, Bengaluru etc. Although, there are different factors that affect the cost of the procedure these include patients’ condition, type of hospital, location of the clinic or hospital, recovery duration and many more. However, the procedure is beneficial to diagnose various conditions which include:
- Vulvar cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Precancerous cells
- Genital warts
- Cervix inflammation
- Vaginal concerns
- Abnormal cells
- Early Detection
- Non-Invasive
- Targeted Biopsy
- Guided Examination
Colposcopy Procedure Steps
After the proper consultation and with your confirmation Colposcopy will be done through following steps:
1. Preparation
Before the procedure the doctor would suggest coming with an empty bladder. It would be great to schedule the Colposcopy when you are not having episodes of periods. So, menstrual blood would not obstruct between examining the cervix and a doctor would conveniently evaluate your uterus.
2. Positioning
In the initial phase of the procedure you will lie on an examination table or a bed with your feet in stirrups. Then a healthcare provider will gently insert a speculum into the vagina through opening your vulvar organ in order to clearly view your cervix.
3. Application of Solutions
A healthcare provider will apply a solution like acetic acid to your cervix. This will make it easier for a doctor to view the highlights and the affected tissues or abnormal cells.
4. Colposcopic Examination
Now a doctor will use a colposcope that will be positioned near your vaginal opening. The instrument will allow the medical expert to see or check the abnormalities through a magnified view of the cervix.
5. Biopsy
If a doctor detects lesions or any abnormal tissues. Then he/she will collect that sample tissue for lab testing. A woman may experience discomfort during biopsy however, it is a quick and manageable process.
6. Post Procedure
Once the colposcopy is done the doctor will provide you some instructions about what to do, and what not to do. Also give you some management tips to heal or recover your body sooner.
Risks & Side Effects of the Procedure
Following are the potential risks that may pose complication:
1. Infection: When you go for any medical procedure there is always a risk of having infection even while colposcopy. Therefore individuals must practice good hygiene and be aware about the potential risks in order to prevent them on time.
2. Bleeding: Small amount of bleeding is normal during colposcopy. However, if the bleeding lasts for a few days or even a week this could pose serious health effects you need to seek immediate medical attention.
3. Discomfort: Experiencing discomfort like sensation, cramping, abdominal pain, fever and menstrual cramps can be the side effects of Colposcopy.
4. Mental health: Colonoscopy may pose anxiety and depression like mental issues in some women about the result of the medical test.
Recovery Tips
Following are the recovery tips that a female must follow after the procedure in order to recover soon these include:
- Take proper rest and not participate in heavy activities.
- Must take all prescribed medicines along with a good diet.
- Avoid having those supplements that can trigger pelvic pain or cervix condition.
- Follow all the instructions that are given by the consulted doctor.
- Take time to time follow-up after the procedure.
- If you experience side effects like over bleeding, cramps, pelvic etc., then must seek medical attention.
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