Cervical polyp removal is a medical process used to remove tiny growths from the cervix or lower portion of the uterus known as polyps. Although these polyps are normally benign, they may cause discomfort, pain, discharge, and unusual bleeding. Usually carried out during a doctor’s appointment, the removal can be done with a straightforward instrument or during a hysteroscopy procedure. This procedure permits additional testing if necessary and helps protect women’s health by averting possible complications.
What is Cervical Polyp?
Small, asymmetrical growths on the surface of the cervix or in the cervical canal are called cervical polyps. Vagina and uterus bothe of these are connected with the cervix. Although most cervical polyps are not cancerous, some can develop into precancerous lesions. If patients have symptoms from a cervical polyp, then their doctor will advise for removal.
The number of polyps are long, tear-like growths that pop out from the cervix area. They are bright red, pinkish to purple, or grayish-white and have a smooth or slightly spongy texture. A pedicle, which is a long, thin stalk, is affixed to certain polyps. Although they can get bigger, they are typically less than half an inch long. Contact with them may cause them to bleed.
Causes of Cervical Polyps
- Fluctuation in estrogen levels. This reason can increase the chances of polyp growth.
- Inflammation or irritation at the cervix.
- Any infection or hormonal changes.
- Recurrence of tissues.
- Sexually transmitted infections may increase the risk of polyp growth.
- Bleeding after sex.
- Massive flow during menstrual periods.
- Bleeding after douching.
- Bleeding after menopause.
- White or yellow vaginal discharge.
Types of Cervical Polyps
There are two main types of cervical polyp. These are listed below:
1. Ectocervical polyps
- These are polyps that grow on your cervix’s outermost layer. These growths of tissues are usually smooth and may look red or purple in color. They can cause bleeding or discharge. This problem mainly occurs in postmenopausal women.
2. Endocervical polyps
- This is the most common form and it occurs during premenopausal women. These growths arise from the cervical glands in the inner canal of the cervix.
Cost of Cervical Polyp Removal
This procedure in India will cost you anywhere between thirty to forty thousand Indian rupees.
Mentioned below are some prominent points when the cost of the surgery is taken into account:
- Type of surgery
- Hospitalization fees
- The doctor’s experience and expertise
- other medical and non-medical expenses.
To diagnose these cervical polyps, a doctor may perform the following test:
Pelvic examination
- A physical assessment of the cervix to look for abnormalities or see the polyp.
- The medical professional can closely inspect the cervix and spot any abnormal condition by using a colposcope. It is a specialized magnifying device.
- A small sample of tissue may be removed from the polyp if required, and it will be sent to a lab for additional analysis.
Treatment Procedure of Cervical Polyp Removal in India
- As with a pelvic test, patients will be asked to lie down on an examination table with their feet in support.
Numbing the cervix
- Applying a local anesthetic drug to the cervix may reduce discomfort during the procedure.
Removal of the polyp
- The medical professional will carefully remove the polyp from the cervix by specialized tools. Sometimes in order to stop the bleeding, the polyp’s base may be cauterized.
Inspection and further procedures
- To make sure the polyp is completely removed, the medical professional may examine the cervix. Additional testing or treatment might be required if any abnormal areas are found.
Method of Cervical Polyps Removal
- This is a inhouse clinic surgery. Using forceps to grasp it at the base, the polyp is twisted off of the cervical tissue. Paitents may suffer from mild to severe pain or loss of blood.
Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP)
- Polyp of the cervix surface is burnt with the help of wire loop in the form of the electric current. Cervix area is numbed with the help of a local anesthesia.
Forceps removal
- During a standard pelvic examination, a polyp may be extracted with forceps or fingers by gently twisting it at its base to separate it from the cervical tissue.
Removal by surgery
- In a hospital or surgery center, larger polyps might need to be removed surgically. This could entail cutting away the polyp by tying a surgical string around its base.
Unplanned disconnection
- During menstruation or sexual activity, cervical polyps may occasionally separate from the cervix on their own. This is a typical occurrence that might not call for medical assistance.
Aftercare and Recovery
- For a few days following the procedure, patients can have moderate cramps, spotting, or discharge.
- Following the treatment, people can immediately return to their regular daily tasks.
- People are advised to refrain from sexual activity for a few days.
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