A denture treatment is associated with dental care. When people age they often face several dental issues like cavities, gums, oral diseases, facial injury etc. This becomes the reason for losing teeth. As a consequence they experience difficulty while eating and speaking and also feel awkward in front of people. In this situation, dentists recommend a denture treatment to the individuals in order to fix the problem. Dentures are portable dental apparatus used to implant missing teeth and surrounding tissues.
It is helpful in clearing speech and chewing food. Not only this it is also effective to restore oral health and improve your smile. A dental treatment could be a convenient option for those who have been experiencing long term oral issues, tooth pain or teeth loss caused by injury or age. There are different types of dentures treatments that support oral functioning and bring positive effect in an individual’s life.
Types of Denture Treatments & Their Cost in India
Complete Dentures
This dental apparatus is also known as artificial teeth, which replaces the entire arch of lost teeth. A full denture places over your gums and leans on the palate for proper oral functioning. One may require denture adhesive, a medical glue, to keep the appliances firmly in the place. The cost of complete denture could range from 10,000 to 60,0000 rs per jaw. However, it may vary according to the doctor’s skill and oral complication of the individual.
Partial Dentures
A partial denture could be a good option if one loses most of the teeth of one jaw. This is also similar to full dentures because it also takes place on your gums and underlying bone for complete support. However, in partial dentures treatment the dentist uses specific hooks to align your original teeth with artificial teeth for providing stability. It costs about 9000 to 30,000 depending on various factors like dental complexity.
Immediate Dentures
In rare cases people need tooth extract before wearing dentures. An intimidate denture is a kind of device which is worn by the patient right after the tooth removal. Oftentimes, it is used on a temporary basis once a patient’s oral health is healed. Its costs range up to 21000 to 500000.
Implant-retained dentures
An implant-retained dentures link to dental implants. Dental implants are small threaded posts that involve jawbone for replacing missing teeth roots. This is also removable, you can bring them out at night for cleaning . It offers more stability than traditional dentures because they snap on to implants installed in the jaw. You won’t need denture glue to fix them in the mouth. Hence, it is also known as snap-in dentures. It cost 50000 to 1,50 000 as per the brand of the implant.
Implant-supported dentures
These types of dentures are also called permanent dentures or hybrid dentures. They are non-removable so could not snap in out of them. Only a dentist can remove them. This type of denture is suggested to those who do not want oral removable appliances. The downside of this denture is that it requires regular efforts to clean including flossing under the denture. It also costs 50 000 to 1, 50, 000 rs per arch.
Denture Treatment Advantages
Following are the benefits of using dentures:
- Improve chewing while eating
- Boost appearance
- Clear speech
- Help to absorb nutrition
- Enhance oral functioning
- Support to smile
- Reduce Bad breath
- Minimize pain
Side Effects of Denture Treatment
Denture treatments are effective enough however these poses some side effects as well which include:
- Dry Mouth
- Nerve damage
- Discomfort
- Numbness
- Jawbone shrinkage
- Facial collapse
- Swelling
- Mild Pain
- Bleeding
Denture Treatment Procedure
Following steps are taken while performing dentures treatment it involve:
- X-ray test – A dentist thoroughly examines the mouth including gums, jaws and remaining teeth. In addition they also do x-ray tests for checking the cause.
- When the dentists find your oral health fit for denture then they determine a suitable denture treatment which is best for your condition.
- A denture treatment depends on various factors that are as follows:
- How many teeth are misplaced
- The period of missing teeth
- Also ask for removable or non-removable denture
- Measure the density and volume of jaw bone
- Personal preference
- Analysis of upper and lower jaws
- After assessing the whole oral health a dentist removes remaining teeth and gums to craft custom denture.
- If it is required the temporary dentures are provided while the permanent are being constructed.
- When the custom dentures are prepared the patient tries them in order to check their fitting and adjustment are proper as measured.
- In the final step the ready dentures are carefully placed by the dentist in the mouth, ensuring they are conveniently and securely fixed.
How are dentures prepared?
- A denture development process requires a period of 2 to 3 weeks. Once the dentist gets an idea what type of denture is perfect for your mouth then they determine suitable appliances. The process includes a few steps these are as follows:
- First a dentist takes an impression of both jaws upper and lower including gums and takes measurements of how your jaws link to another and also check how much space is between them.
- Then craft plastic patterns models in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. You can try this model multiple times before final denture.
- Cast a final denture and send it to the lab for further processing, crafting to polishing.
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