Coronary angiography is a diagnosis test done under the eye of medical professionals to get the details of heart functioning, particularly to check coronary artery abnormalities in the heart. This diagnose test guides medical professionals to identify the actual problem in arteries and assist them to make suitable decisions as per the patient’s condition. The test is also known as coronary angiogram.
Our heart is the main organ of the body, which supplies oxygen-rich blood to the other body organs and contributes to keep us healthy and fit. When the heart is affected due to any reason it causes several health problems and shows symptoms of chest pain, discomfort, physical weakness and more. Cardio-related health issues are becoming common these days and affecting many lives worldwide. Hence, technical advancement, like coronary angiogram diagnosis tests, assist doctors and surgeons to check the body organs and help them to provide suitable treatments to the patients.
What is Coronary Angiography?
In this diagnosis treatment, a team of medical technicians injects a contrast dye into the patient’s heart, with the help of a catheter to detect blockage and before the procedure a mild anesthesia is given to the patient in order to relax him and not realize the pain. While performing this test doctors or a cardiologist carefully monitor if there is any kind of blockage in the form of cholesterol plaque or atherosclerosis.
If a person has diabetes the nurses also take your blood samples and send you for an electrocardiogram test. Throughout the process the doctors evaluate and see the complications of blood flow, on the X-ray screen. In some cases doctors often do MRI and CT scans right before the coronary angiography in order to pinpoint what abnormalities are present in the arteries. Medical professionals also suggest the patient not to eat and drink for 8 hours before this diagnosis test in order to get clear images of the heart and arteries.
Cost of Coronary Angiography in India
The cost of coronary angiography may vary according to the place, city and region. This also involves which type of hospital is, whether it is government or private. However, on average it may cost INR 10,000 to INR 40,000 and could be more.
Furthermore, this diagnosis test takes 1 hour time duration to detect the actual problem, which is causing health issues. Performed under the experienced medical experts who have been working in the medical field for 20 years. Hence, we could say the process is a combined team effort, which aims to provide the best treatment option at affordable prices to the patient, who belongs to any corner of the world.
Indications for Coronary Angiography
Several factors are responsible for conducting Coronary Angiography including the mentioned below heart-health issues that are as follows:
- Unstable Angina
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Valvular Heart disease
- Aortic Stenosis
- Blood Vessel
Potential Risks of Coronary Angiography
Since cardiac characterization is an instrumental process, which includes anesthesia and other medical instruments. The procedure can be save under an experienced medical team however, it may pose some potential risks as well these are as follows:
- Blood clotting
- Injury in arteries
- Injury in vein
- An uncommon risk of stroke
- Bleeding
- Bruising
- Low blood pressure
- Irregular heart-beat
- Infection
What is Expected Before the Angiography?
Following are requirements which need to be followed on the date of coronary angiogram.
- Coronary Angiography takes 1 to half hour time for the procedure. Hence, a patient must be present at hospital on a given time.
- The patient needs to bring all blood tests reports and precious medication prescriptions as well.
- If a patient has any kind of allergy to the medical instrument or anesthesia then he needs to inform the doctor, who is going to perform the diagnose test.
- The patient needs to come along with a family member or a friend because it might feel unhealthy or weak after the process.
- Not to wear heavy clothes, so it might be easy or convenient for the patient to put on the hospital gown before going for the diagnosis test.
Procedure of Angiography
This coronary angiography is performed by the cardiologist and it involves the follow process:
- The nurses provide the hospital gown to the patient and take him to the operation theater or X-ray lab, after that connected to a heart monitor for the test procedure.
- A nurse inserts IVS into a vein of the arm to give necessary fluids to the patient.
- Then doctors give mild anesthesia and other medications to make you feel relaxed and calm.
- After that a cardiologist inserts a thin long tube known as a catheter into an artery through the wrist or groin. The catheter is passed through the artery until it reaches the heart. Then the cardiologist injects a dye into the catheter to get the details.
- A patient may experience flushed or warm throughout the procedure which is quite normal.
- After completing the dye procedure the doctor will closely monitor the patient’s X-ray, as the dye moves through the heart. This assists medical professionals to detect the abnormalities present in the arteries, they also identify the blockage in the heart functioning.
- If the doctor finds narrowing and blockage, then he will decide to treat it on an immediate basis through sending a stent to keep the artery open.
Recovery and Follow-up After the Test
- After the diagnosis test doctors suggest having a sufficient amount of water and having proper rest and sleep.
- Restrict drinking alcohol and smoking.
- Avoid performing machinery work like driving and exercise because of anesthesia effects.
- Remove the applied bandage after 24 hours.
- Do not apply any chemical lotion near the cut area where the catheter is inserted.
- If you experience weakness or any abnormal side effects immediately contact a consulted doctor and try to keep follow-up regarding the treatment.
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