Showing 217–228 of 382 results

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

The role of hair on our skin is to protect and keep our body warm. However, there are some certain

Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment

A cosmetic technique known as laser skin resurfacing. It is a popular skin treatment in the world and many people

Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment

People make their tattoos for fashion or artwork. Some of them wear it for belief, feelings and impressment but it

Leukemia Treatment

Leukemia is a blood cancer, which is rare for men and women. It occurs when the amount of abnormal white

Limb Lengthening Surgery Treatment

Limb length discrepancy is a major problem, which affects millions of people in the world. It occurs when the bones

Lip Augmentation Treatment

A cosmetic operation targeted to improve the lip size and its contours. The volume of the lips is enhanced with

Lipid Disorders Treatment

When the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides gets high in the blood is called lipid disorder. This Increased level

Lipoma Treatment

The mass of cells which is made up of fatty tissue that grows under the skin is called lipoma. It

Liposuction Treatment

Liposuction is a type of surgery that removes extra fat from particular areas of the body, like the arms, abdomen,

Liver Cancer Treatment

Each year around 7 lakh people are diagnosed with Liver cancer worldwide. It is considered as a disease, which occurs

Liver Cirrhosis Treatment

Liver cirrhosis is a form of liver damage in which scar tissues are replaced with health cells. In this case,